Recherches archéologiques 17

From the fertile black soils of Limagne to the sandy-clay plateaus of the Sologne bourbonnaise, Middle Age farmers have shaped the landscapes that...

Alignement de monolithes bordé par une sépulture en cours de fouille

An Inrap team has recently excavated a group of aligned menhirs at Veyre-Monton (Puy-de-Dôme). This research, prescribed by the State (Drac...

5 - dsc0717.Découverte d’un mikvé dans le quartier juif médiéval de Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux

A ritual Jewish bath, a mikveh, may have been located a cellar in Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux (Drôme). The city entrusted the study of this cellar...

Recherches archéologiques 11

An extensive site occupied during the first half of the fourth millennium, between 4000 and 3500BC, the habitat dating back to the Chasséen period...

Découverte d'une occupation néandertalienne en bord de Saône

A team of Inrap archaeologists is excavating, under curation by the State (Drac Rhône-Alpes), a Middle Paleolithic site in Quincieux in...

Une « déesse-mère » néolithique auvergnate ?

The fragment of a ceramic feminine statuette has been found during the excavation of a Middle Neolithic site in Pont-du-Château (Puy-de-Dôme), by...

Une nécropole néolithique de première importance scientifique pour la France et la Suisse

In 2002, the National Institute for Preventive Archaeology (INRAP) discovered the Genevray site on the route of the future Thonon-les-Bains bypass...