The European Commission selected the NEARCH project, with 15 other European projects, to represent the “good practices” related to the management and valorisation of cultural heritage, during the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

Last modified
25 March 2019

The project highlights the relationship between archeology and European citizens by exploring the multiple dimensions of these links. As an example, the realization of a survey on the European perception of archaeology and archaeological heritage or the realization of a program of artistic residencies and two international exhibitions on the link between heritage and artistic creation.

Since 2013, Inrap has been leading the NEARCH project, a network of 14 institutions from 10 European countries. This project is supported by the European Commission for 5 years (2013-2018) under the "Culture Program".

It's presented in the promotional brochure of the European Year of Cultural Heritage published by the European Commission.

European year of cultural heritage 2018