Inrap and the UNESCO World Heritage Center have just signed an agreement ("letter of intention") to combine their efforts for the conservation and development of sites and monuments on the World Heritage of Humanity List (1972 Convention for the protection of natural and cultural sites, ratified by 186 States). 

Last modified
25 March 2019
Inrap will contribute its special competence and its means to programs of preventive archaeology initiated in already listed sites or those under study, and to the protection of archaeological heritage in the running and the development of World Heritage sites and of heritage in danger.
In order to favor the development of preventive archaeology in the world, most frequently in answer to requests from national authorities, Inrap intervenes above all on heritage sites particularly rich in archaeological remains, among which figure sites of the World Heritage Program: 
  • In Ethiopia, to draw up the archaeological and topographical map of the monolithic churches of Lalibela, an important Christian pilgrimage centre since the 13th century; 
  • In Algeria, at the foot of the Kasbah of Algiers, Place des Martyrs, in an operation before the building of a metro station. This collaboration between the Algerian authorities, Unesco and Inrap continues a program of public awareness of preventive archaeology in the North Africa inaugurated by an international colloquium in Algiers in November 2004 and followed by another at Nouakchott in 2007; 
  • In Cambodia, with the help of the Cambodian authority for the running of the Angkor Wat site (Apsara), and the carrying out of preventive excavations at the airport of Siem Reap in collaboration with the Vinci group; 
  • In Libya with technical expertise to evaluate the development of the road infrastructure of major Antique sites (Cyrenaica, Sabratha, Leptis Magna).  
Contact(s) :

Mahaut Tyrrell
Media communication 
Inrap, media partnerships and relations department 
+33 (0)1 40 08 80 24 
mahaut.tyrrell [at]